
3 Easy Tips on How to Make a PC Faster


This article will discuss the ways you can make your PC faster without spending big bucks on hardware upgrades that are totally unnecessary. The root problem of a slow PC could be hardware, but most of the time it is due to lack of attention and maintenance to the software operating system and its mechanisms that leads to a slowdown in performance.

There are many ways to ramp up the speed of your PC in just a few simple steps. If there is any money to be spent on hardware, then I guess one way is to buy cheap ram and upgrade the amount of Random Access Memory (RAM) in your system. In this day and age, figures like 256 or 512 mb are just not enough so you have you maintain figures that run up to and over 2 gigs.

This is because today's current applications are very memory dependent, even simple ones like iTunes seem to suck up a lot of memory when they are running in the background, not to mention some Antivirus software programs. Most of us use the PC for months and months without bothering to defragment the hard disk. Fragmented data and lost files that Windows has to hunt down and recompile are one of the major issues that lead to a loss of performance speed in PCs. What you need to do is

to simply initiate the process of defragmentation, which is provided free of charge in any Windows OS, every 2 weeks or so.

You will not regret this decision, because you will see a marked percentile increase in the speed of your computer when Windows no longer has to hunt down and refragment data files whenever you want to load your program. Also, manage your files and find out what programs are running on start-up. A lot of the times we simply install programs without knowing how each and every one of them are going to utilise our system resources, and too many program load commands on Windows start-up is the cause of extremely long load times in some computers.

Make sure that only critical software are being loaded and check your processes under the Windows Task Manager to assess which ones are using an insane amount of memory while running in the background. You can save more than 30% of system performance just by getting rid of start up programs from your system.

The last method that you need to adhere to is to keep a clean and unclogged registry. Any computer that does not use a registry cleaner will have at the very least, a clogged registry with null values, orphan keys and bad command lines that Windows will constantly trip over in its ongoing daily operations.

Most registry cleaners are freely available on the internet and the sizes are small. Within minutes you will clean the registry with the simple to use tool and you will see the effects almost immediately. So there are your 3 easy tips on how to make PC faster that anyone can follow and do.


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